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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.310
order to see what the mailing list produces. Anyone can use the
mail archive server to retrieve articles or discussion logs.
Archives may be retrieved via GRASS-SERVER. To use the
GRASS-SERVER, send mail containing the command HELP within the
subject line and/or the body of the mail message to:
Name: CyberRPG
Status: inactive (but replaced by rec.games.cyber)
Notes: NetNews readers should subscribe to rec.games.cyber. This
entry will be deleted in the November FAQ.
Name: Champions mailing list
Contact: champ-request@elysium.esd.sgi.com
List: champ@elysium.esd.sgi.com
Status: Active:
Info Updated: 1-Feb-1991
Notes: The list manager asks that new subscribers include their
address (preferably in domain notation) in their subscription
Name: TORG
Contact: torg-request@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
List: torg@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
Administrator: torg-owner@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
Archived: FTP from morticia.cnns.unt.edu.
Status: Active
Info Updated: 15-Aug-1991
Notes: An Internet mailing list to discuss the possibilities of the
Infiniverse. For information, send email to the contact
address. On the subject line, type the single word "help". This
mailing list is also gatewayed to the usenet newsgroup
alt.games.torg. To subscribe, send email to the contact
address. On the subject line type "subscribe" (or "sub"). No
parameter is necessary for the subscription command.
Optionally, you may type your name after the subscription
command. It will be visible on the list along with your
address. Optionally, also, you may give the command "subscribe
-". This hides your address from others on the list. To
unsubscribe, send your request to torg-request. The subject
line and/or the first line of the mail should read:
unsubscribe {user}
where {user} is the address that you wish to unsubscribe. Torg
archives are available via anonymous ftp in pub/lists at
morticia.cnns.unt.edu. You may make submissions in the
directory pub/lists/submissions The list is coordinated by
Clay Luther (cluther@morticia.cnns.unt.edu).
Name: Call of Cthulhu Mailing List
Contact: cthulhu-request@cs.qmw.ac.uk
Status: Active
Info Updated: 12-May-1991
Notes: A mailing list for discussion about *the* horror frp. CoC.
Name: The Warhammer Mailing List
Contact: wfrp-request@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
List: wfrp@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
Administrator: wfrp-owner@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
Status: Active?
Info Updated: 30-May-1991
Notes: For the discussion of Games Workshop's Warhammer Universe, the
Old World, Warhammer Fantasy Role Play, and Warhammer Fantasy
Battle. The Warhammer mailing list is running ListMan 1.0b List
Manager software. To subscribe, send email to the above
request address and as the first word on the subject line or
any line in the text of the message put the word "sub". You may
also include a parameter with the sub command. This parameter
will be treated as your *real* name, not your address (which is
determined from your mail headers). You may also send
wfrp-request other commands, not the least of which is "help".
Name: The Stormbringer Mailing List
Contact: stormbringer-request@ocf.Berkeley.EDU,appel@soda.Berkeley.EDU
List: stormbringer@ocf.Berkeley.EDU
Status: Active
Info Updated: 25-Feb-1991
Notes: The Stormbringer mailing list exists for both the fans of
Michael Moorcock's books and those who enjoy Chaosium's games,
Name: CAMELOT mailing list
Contact: camelot-request@castle.ed.ac.uk
List: camelot@castle.ed.ac.uk
Status: Active
Info Updated: 15-Jun-1991
Notes: A new mailing list on the subject of Arthurian legend and Grail
Lore. The 'Matter of Britain', as it is known, in all its
guises and all related subjects will be discussed in an
unmoderated mailing list. Camelot is a forum for discussion of
all Arthurian fields of interest. The mailing list is new
(started on 11 Jun 1991) and is run by Chris Thornborrow, a
(new) member of the Pendragon Society who has studied Arthurian
legend and Grail Lore for quite a while.
Name: VAMPIRE Mailing List
List: VAMPIRE@math.ufl.edu
Contact: VAMPIRE-REQUEST@math.ufl.edu
Administrator: Bob Slaughter <bss@math.ufl.edu>
Archived: anonymous ftp to soda.berkeley.edu in pub/vampire
Info Updated: 5-jun-1992
Notes: There is now a mailing list dedicated to the White Wolf
Role-Playing game, "Vampire". To subscribe, send a message
containing "sub <addr> vampire" to LISTSERV@math.ufl.edu. To
UNSUB, send a message containing "unsub <addr> vampire" to the
listserver as well. The <addr> is optional, in case you want to
receive the list at a different mailing address.
Name: IFGS, International Fantasy Gaming Society
Contact: Greg Trotter <greg@slinky.fidonet.org>
List: ifgsrpg@slinky.fidonet.org
Status: Active
Info Updated: 03-Sept-1991
Notes: This is a FidoNet/Internet email list for the promotion and
discussion of Live Action Roleplaying games, mainly of the IFGS
variety (but we LOVE to hear about other games like SIL/ILF,
The Fantasy Alternative, The Great Escape, etc.)
Name: The Forgotten Realms Mailing List
Contact John Feldmeier <johnf@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu>
List: fr@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Status: active
Info Updated: 12-Jan-1992
Notes: Anything involving the Forgotten Realms is accepted.
Name: Interactive Literature Foundation (ILF) mailing list
Contact: ilf-info-request@han.paramax.com
List: ilf-info@han.paramax.com
Status: Active
Info Updated: 20-Sep-1992
Notes: This mailing list is for the discussion of live action role
playing, most often the type not covered by IFGS-style games,
but open to all discussions of interactive literature (another
name for live action role playing games!). US Mail address for
the ILF:
PO Box 196
Merrifield, VA 22116-0196
The ILF's quarterly journal is called METAGAME and articles
about live action role playing are always welcome! Send
articles to: jim@visix.com. Other questions about the ILF
should be sent to: Terilee Edwards <tnc!m0054@uunet.uu.net>
Ilf-info is NOT a function of nor is it sponsored by the
Interactive Literature Foundation and never really has been.
It is a mail repeater run by Tom Jewell of Cruel Hoax
Productions (an IL game production group) as a public service.
Tom is not associated with the ILF and merely sponsors the list
for fun.
Name: The Warhammer 40K Mailing List
Contact: war40k-request@bismarck.gatech.edu
List: war40k@bismarck.gatech.edu
Admin: Greg Williams <gw18@prism.gatech.EDU>
Status: Active
Info Updated: 12-Jan-1992
Notes: Reviews of 40K books as they come out, preferably from
more than one source. Other people's armies in detail. A
section on paint schemes and markings. New equiptment.
Houserules. Discussions of tactics in 40K. What's worked
for you in the past, Space Marine, etc.
Name: The San Francisco Bay Area Gamer's Mailing List
Contact: bag-request@gomez.intel.com (D. J. McCarthy)
List: List adress made available once a new member has subscribed.
Archived: No
Info Updated: 23-SEP-1991
Notes: The Bay Area Gamer's mailing list is for discussion and
information-spreading about various role-playing, board, and
war games and conventions throughout the 408, 415, and 510 area
Name: The Miniatures Mailing List
Contact bell@cs.unc.edu or ...!mcnc!unc!bell (Andrew Bell)
Status: Active
Info Updated: 31-Jan-1992
Notes: The Figures Mailing List is a courtesy of Andrew Bell. It is a
forum for the discussion of painting, converting, and sculpting
of miniature figures.
Name: Ravenloft Mailing List
Contact: rl-request@ais.org
List: rl-list@ais.org
Archived: ftp from tybalt and greyhawk
Info Updated: 2-May-1992
Notes: Chat about doomful things in general, centered around TSR's
campaign world of Ravenloft. Archived materials include
reviews, discussion, monsters, magic items, computerized sound
files, etc.
Name: Amber Mailing List
Contact: oberon-request@amber.uchicago.edu
List: oberon@amber.uchicago.edu
Listowner: cliff@uchicago.edu
Moderator: Cliff Winnig
Archived: not at this time
Info Updated: 11-Nov-1992
Notes: This list is for the discussion of the Amber Diceless
Role-Playing Game and the Amber novels, and is completely
Mod-Quote: I'd like to publicly thank Dave Martin for doing a wonderful
job as the list's founder and first administrator!
Name: The Wizards of the Coast announcement list
Contact: wizinfo-l-request@wizards.com
Moderator: Peter D Adkison <mavra@wizards.com>
Notes: This mailing list is used for general announcements and press
releases for products from WotC. Membership on this list will
keep you informed of forthcoming WotC products, changes in
management, and so forth. Mail volume is kept light, and all
messages clearly state the intent of the message right at the
beginning so people can skip to the next message if they're not
Name: The Talislanta discussion group
Subscription: talislanta-l-request@wizards.com
Posting: talislanta-l@wizards.com
Moderator: James E Hays <emreal@wizards.com>
Notes: Free form discussion of the Talislanta game system and
Name: The Primal Order discussion group
Subscription: tpo-l-request@wizards.com
Posting: tpo-l@wizards.com
Moderator: Peter D Adkison <mavra@wizards.com>
Notes: Free form discussion of *The Primal Order.* The author of the
book is the moderator of the group.
Name: The Experts development group
Subscription: experts-l-request@wizards.com
Posting: experts-l@wizards.com
Moderator: Peter D Adkison <mavra@wizards.com>
Notes: This group focuses in on the task of writing integration notes
for converting gaming stats from some system-independent
platform to various game systems. The integration notes for
*The Primal Order,* and the upcoming *Pawns: The Opening Move*
were written by this group. If you're a rules-lawyer this is
the place for you. Req: Thorough knowledge of at least one
game system in print.
Name: The Art of Game Mastering development group
Subscription: taogm-l-request@wizards.com
Posting: taogm-l@wizards.com
Moderator: Ken McGlothlen <mcglk@wizards.com>
Notes: Development group for discussion, critique, and research
involving the forthcoming book by Ken McGlothlen, *The Art of
Game Mastering (TaoGM).*
Name: gurps-announce-ext
Subscription: laird@think.com
Posting: on approval of subscription
Moderator: Laird Popkin (laird@think.com)
Notes: gurps-announce-ext, is for occasional GURPS product and
playtest announcements and things along those lines.
Name: gurps-ext
Subscription: laird@think.com
Posting: on approval of subscription
Moderator: Laird Popkin (laird@think.com)
Notes: gurps-ext, is for general GURPS discussion. It's a small
list right now, intended for "serious" discussions of GURPS
issues. The current topic of discussion is "what should be
in the next edition of the GURPS Basic Set."
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.games.frp.announce:302 news.answers:4701
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!uw-beaver!cs.ubc.ca!destroyer!caen!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!cwatters
From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] BBSes of interest to roleplayers
Message-ID: <1992Dec18.182401.7070@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Followup-To: rec.games.frp.misc
Originator: cwatters@top.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Keywords: roleplaying games, official & unofficial BBSes, administrivia
Sender: news@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Nntp-Posting-Host: top.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Reply-To: cwatters@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Organization: The Ohio State University
References: <1992Dec18.175405.6503@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 18:24:01 GMT
Approved: cwatters@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Lines: 378
Archive-name: games/roleplay/part6
Last-Modified: 10/23/92
BBS's for Roleplayers
The Steve Jackson Games BBS -- Austin, Texas, USA
The Red October BBS (Hero Games) -- Austin, Texas, USA
** The Harnline BBS (Columbia Games) -- Vancouver Canada
Blacksburg Tactical Research Center (BTRC) Internet Mail Address
Necropolis of Dreams (Ragnarok Games) -- Austin, TX, USA
The Broken Blade BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Seattle, Washington, USA
Astral Void BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Mesa, Arizona, USA
Red Star BBS (Vervan Net backbone) -- Burlington, IL, USA
Purgatory BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Salem, Oregon, USA
Bladerunner BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Waltham, Mass. USA
The DUNGEON BBS (Unaffiliated) -- western (?) NY State, USA
TeleDunjon III and IV (Unaffiliated) -- Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas, USA
Smasher Land BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Athens, Ohio, USA
U Want What!?! BBS (Unaffiliated), Macon, GA, USA
StormGate Aerie BBS (Other Suns), somewhere, 310 area code, USA
The Fantasy Shop (Unaffiliated), Suitland, Maryland, USA
** The Guild (Unaffiliated), Los Angeles, California, USA
** Mindvox (Unaffiliated), New York, NY, USA
** Dunkelzahn's Lair (Unaffiliated) Amherst, MA, USA
Several RPG companies now run their own electronic bulletin boards. To
connect to them, you must use a personal computer and a modem.
(Exception: the BTRC address is not a BBS, but a real live game designer
with an internet connection.)
Name: The Steve Jackson Games BBS -- Austin, TX, USA
Dial: (512)-447-4449
Comm Settings: 8-N-1 (7-E-1 may work too)
Baud: 300,1200,2400
Info Updated: 3-Dec-1991
Notes: Steve Jackson Games operates a two line BBS, named the
Illuminati BBS, with discussion areas for most of SJG's
games, including GURPS. Much of the playtest feedback
for new products comes from the BBS.
Name: The Red October BBS (Hero Games) -- Austin, TX, USA
Dial: (512)-834-2548
Comm Settings: 8-N-1???
Baud: 300,1200,2400???
Info Updated: 1-Feb-1991
Notes: Red October is the semi-official BBS of Hero Games. Many Hero
games supplement authors regularly call and there are several
discussion boards about Hero Games.
There are also pre-release beta test versions of most of the
upcoming supplements from Hero Games, as well as up-to-the-
minute news.
Name: The Harnline BBS (Columbia Games) -- Vancouver Canada
Dial: (604)-998-1703
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300,1200,2400
Info Updated: 20-Sep-1992
Notes: Columbia Games (makers of the Harn series of campaign
supplements and the fantasy RPG system Harnmaster) has a BBS
called Harnline. There are currently about 50 files, mostly
unpublished material or revisions of published material. User
contributions are encouraged.
The home of Harnline is Duffle Board - Rob Duff runs the board.
Because of the cost of calling Vancouver, Canada, from various
parts of North America and Europe, Columbia joined Vervan net
(see below for information on how to use it).
Name: Blacksburg Tactical Research Center (BTRC) Email Address
Info Updated: 19-Nov-1992
Notes: Greg Porter of BTRC is available for any and all questions
relating to the BTRC's line of games and game products
(TimeLords and SpaceTime RPG's, Macho Women with Guns, 3G,
CORPS, WarpWorld, etc.). BTRC is an AMERICA ONLINE (AOL)
account, Internet readers can use BTRC@aol.com .
Name: Necropolis of Dreams (Ragnarok Games) -- Austin, TX, USA
Dial: (512)-472-6905, (512)-472-6220
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 2400, 9600
Info Updated: 4-Dec-1992
Notes: Necropolis of Dreams has been online for almost 8 years. It
features over 50 message bases with a heavy concentration on
gaming and game design as well as alternative political and
arts topics. It is sponsored by Ragnarok Games (publishers of
Ysgarth, Suburban Slasher, To Challenge Tomorrow, etc), but
discussion is not limited by that and a wide variety of gaming
topics are addressed. The user base is very active and much
fun is to be had by all. Operating 24 hours on both lines.
There are quite a few Independent BBS's with a strong RPG slant out there in
the great land of telecommunications. Any comments on the suitability of
including them in this file are welcomed.
Note that the compiler of this list cannot check out these BBS's to
ensure that they work as described. If you send information about a BBS
to me, please make sure your information is *complete* and accurate.
Name: The Broken Blade BBS -- Seattle, Washington, USA
Dial: (206) 781-9424
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300,1200,2400
Info Updated: 31-Oct-1991
Notes: Mike Owen <dunadan@milton.u.washington.edu> is the sysop
of the Broken Blade: a free access bulletin board
Although the message base is oriented toward
general-purpose discussions (there are only a couple of
RPG-oriented message areas), quite a few files are
available of interest to RPGers.
Name: Astral Void BBS -- Mesa, Arizona, USA
Dial: (602) 834-6065
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300,1200
Info Updated: 6-26-1991
Notes: Tony Hamilton <thamilton@ch3.intel.com> runs a
Roleplaying BBS.
The Astral Void BBS is home to role-players who conduct
games on the message boards, and also PBeM games. The
BBS is single-lined, and currently is running 11 games.
New product information is posted for all the major game
companies, along with occasional reviews. There are
also various text files on-line concerning various
role-playing topics.
Name: Red Star BBS (Vervan Net backbone) -- Burlington, IL, USA
Dial: (708) 683-2390 -- (vervan net is at other sites too)
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 1200-9600 -- HST or V.32
Info Updated: 15-Nov-1991
Notes: There's at least one BBS network devoted solely to
playing RPGs that you might want to look into. It's
called V-Net. For information about V-net, contact:
Joel Veeneman
P.O. Box 7
Burlington, IL 60109
Internet: joel@redstar.marcal.com
UUnet: uunet!devcom!marcal!redstar!joel
Fidonet: 1:115/639.0
Name: Purgatory BBS -- Salem, Oregon, USA
Dial: (503) 370-9739
Sysop: ???
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300 - 14400
Status: Down ??? I've heard reports that Purgatory is down
Info Updated: 16-Mar-1992
Notes: Linked to Vervan's Gaming Network as well as half a
dozen other nets (including Usenet through a Fido
Gateway operated by Joel Veeneman -- see entry for
Vervan Net).
Main thrust of the BBS is gaming and there are online
games for about a dozen systems. In addition we also are
one of the biggest Occult BBSs in the Pacific North-West
with a great deal of files on the subject. The other
thrusts are Fantasy/Sci Fi, and current events debate
and discussion type echos.
Name: Bladerunner BBS -- Waltham, Mass. USA
Dial: (617) 891-7338
Sysop: Laird Popkin (laird@think.com)
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300 - 2400 + PEP (Trailblazer Plus)
Info Updated: 14-Sep-1991
Notes: Connected to the Citadel and usenet networks (as
blade.via.mind.org). The BBS runs STadel (a Citadel variant)
on an Atari ST.
Topics discussed: Role Playing Games, GURPS, Warhammer,
AD&D, Call of Cthulhu, Hero/Champions, as well as assorted
Fantasy and SF and computer-related topics. There are
also a number of online games, and discussions of SF,
various computers, and whatever other topics arise.
There are no online time limits or upload/download rations.
Name: The DUNGEON BBS -- Buffalo, NY State, USA
Dial: (716) 656-8573
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Sysop: Master DaarKhan ???
Baud: 300 - 2400
Info Updated: 14-Sep-1991
Notes: Western New York's finest board devoted to fantasy role
playing. Features include over 50 message bases of all
types, most of which are WWIVnet, the world's second
largest private network.
WWIVnet @ 7653
Name: TeleDunjon III and IV -- Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas, USA
Dial: (214) 960-7654 and (214) 238-1568
Sysop: ???
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300 - 2400
Info Updated: 14-Sep-1991
Notes: The Teledunjon III and Teledunjon IV boards offer
play-by-modem roleplaying games. They also publish the
TeleDunjon Journal, an irregular online magazine for
modem RPG enthusiasts.
If you're in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex (north
Texas) or can afford to call it regularly, check out the
Teledunjon systems and join a game (or run your own).
Name: Pyramid BBS, DC Metro Area, Virginia
Dial: (703) 912-9878
Sysop: Terilee Edwards
Suite 548, 7010 Brookfield Plaza, Springfield, VA 22150
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300 to 2400 ?
Info Updated: 1 October 1991
Notes: A free BBS, with two areas dedicated to gaming, with one
area for live action role playing gaming and discussion
and bulletins about the Interactive Literature Foundation
(a live gaming organization).
Name: Smasher Land BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Athens, Ohio, USA
Dial: (614) 593-8359
Sysop: Scott Mash <smash@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu>
Comm Settings: 8-N-1 (Proboard v.1.17) Free
Baud: 300 to 2400
Info Updated: 29-Feb-1992
Notes: Smasher Land has textfiles and utilities for AD&D,
GURPS, Shadowrun, Fantasy Hero, Champions, Traveller,
etc. As well as a messagebase for each. Smasher Land
also offers a variety of online games that are
accessable by all users.
Internet/Usenet limited access is now available to all
users on Smasher Land BBS. You can send email to any
internet, bitnet etc. address.
Name: U Want What!?! BBS, Macon, GA, USA
Dial: (912) 471-7629 (soon 2 lines)
Sysop: Richard Weeks <rweeks@logdis1.wr.aflc.af.mil>
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300 to 2400
Info Updated: 15-Feb-1992
Notes: Several RPG doors are functioning including Barons,
Axoru (shareware for now), Steller Quest, Trade Wars
2002, and others. We have an AD&D and RPG message area
and I am a 14 yr Dungeon Master for AD&D, as well as
playing and GM for Dragon Quest, Champions, RIFTS, V&V
and others.
Name: StormGate Aerie BBS, somewhere, 310 area code, USA
Dial: 310-822-6729
Sysop: Nicolai Shapero
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300/1200/2400/9600HST/14400HST
Network: Fidonet
Info-Updated: 15-Apr-1992
Notes: OTHER SUNS (sf role playing game) headquarters.
Several multiplayer role playing games available
through echomail. (A FidoNet echomail conference
is similar to an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup.)
Name: The Fantasy Shop, Suitland, Maryland, USA
Dial: 301 967 1843
Sponsor: Washington Metropolitan Area Gaming Society
Contact: Jon F. Zeigler <jfzeigl@afterlife.ncsc.mil>
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud: 300/1200/2400
Info-Updated: 2-May-1992
Notes: The Fantasy Shop is a new (less than 2 months old) BBS
sponsored and operated by the Washington Metropolitan
Area Gaming Society. It is devoted to discussion and
on-line play related to all aspects of the gaming hobby,
particularly role-playing games. There are as yet no
user fees, although access is greater for members of the
Society. The new-user's password is "WMAGS".
Name: The Guild [FTS]
Type: CNet 2.x (Amiga 2000)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Admin: Guy Bartoli
To Contact: gbartoli@guild.socal.com
Ph#/Address: 310-641-6909 (5 lines)
Bps: 300/1200/2400
Bits/Par/stop: 8N1
Access details: RPG'ers, Cyperpunks, and opinionated people welcome.
Fees: RPG games and all local discussion groups are free of charge.
Access to UseNet requires a small donation to subsidize paying
for my feed.
Desc: The Guild [FTS] is approximately a year old. It was founded
with the premise that it would be primarily a RPG oriented BBS,
but has since evolved into carrying many different SIG's.
The Guild [FTS] >does< pick up the rec.games.frp.* hierarcy and
is also a member of the C-Link network (private FIDOnet, over
120 nodes world-wide), which also has forums on RPG games.
Notes: None - Give The Guild a call, and please mention that you saw
it advertised on the UseNet so that I know where you are coming